September 2, 2009 was the sonohystogram. The day didn't start off well. I left work late, I missed the exit, ans that caused me to be late. I hate being late. "On time" for me is late. This was a very important appointment. If this didn't happen the transfer won't happen.
I was 7 minutes late, but I did get there before the intended mom.
The first part of the appointment involved lack of key clothing articles, a speculum, Betadine, a catheter, saline solution, an internal sonogram and a big MESS. Results were immediate; my cervix is easy and my uterus perfect.
The second half of the appointment was supposed to be my medicine protocol. "This is what and when it will happen, these shots begin this day, this pill this day, this shot this day, these two other pills this day, ultrasound this day and transfer this day." The nurse gave me no help. I actually had to ask her to show me how to give myself a shot, telling her "I have never done this before". I still feel very uneducated, but I have a dear friend that is a RN that is going to help with the first shot. I left very disappointed.
I guess the nurse still sees this as the intended mom as the patient not me. The nurse even told her that "it will be the same as the last time." I wasn't there the last time. How am I supposed to know what to do? The mom and I do not live together, I do not want her to do my shots, I am just getting to know her.
LUPRON stars September 13, 2009. This is the "easy" shot. I will put a blog up that lists all the meds later.
Please pray for the embryo!
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