Monday, November 30, 2009

A Lot Can Happen In Three Weeks

Wow. I don't even know where to start.

Thank you GOD for a successful pregnancy this far. It is amazing what can happen and how HE has kept His hand on this from before it even started. The statistics were around 20% success if 4 embryos were transferred. We had one embryo and we are now down to a less than 2% chance of loss.

The new medicine they put me on after the first ultrasound made me SICK. I called and asked about it they thought it was just morning sickness. After another half of week I called and they said I could go back on the shots. I started feeling better immediately.

The second ultrasound was better. The IM sat at my shoulder so I didn't feel so exposed and I was also able to see what she was seeing. The tech was great, she was training someone, so along with another person seeing me naked, I at least had the advantage of her showing more in order to train. She asked if I would like to have a copy of some of the images. I, Of Course, said yes. I got two images one regular and one 3D. The IM got several, I did not get to see those, she packed them away without sharing.

I know this is going to be difficult for the IM. Please pray for her that she is able to open up with friends about what it is she is feeling. That she is able to find the support so needed for a journey like this. I have told her there are going to be days she does not like me, because I will be the one pregnant. I have told her she needs to find some people who are going to be excited for her and understand when she might be upset. Please pray that GOD puts the right people in her path.

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