- Morning sickness
- Heartburn
- Tired
- Hungry
- Achy legs
Morning sickness didn't last too long, but what I had was intense Evening sickness, more than I had with either of my children. I blame all the hormones that helped the baby "stick". Every time the meds were changed I got sick for a few days.
Heartburn is new to me but as long as I eat ALL THE TIME I don't have issues.
Tired??? What wife/mother that works 45 hours a week and volunteers at church on the weekend isn't tired?
Hungry this one is a mystery, how can I be hungry SO often?
Achy legs no big deal.
But last night was the beginning of the leg cramps, LEG CRAMPS. Those wake you up in the middle of a sound sleep trying not to scream. Last night I remember waking up saying OW OW OW. My dearest husband had no idea what was going on. I rolled over and "woke"him up pleading "Please help me!" My leg was cramped so tight I couldn't flex it to get it to release. He helped flex my ankle, rubbed my calf and then went back to snoring. this morning when I apologized for waking him up he said,"you woke me up?"
I am so BLESSED by God and what HE is doing in my life through this.
I am struggling with some issues that aren't going as I hoped they would. I am surprised at the loss of myself when the mother is involved. Because I see her every Sunday, Wednesday and appointment, I don't really have anyone to just be pregnant with.
The diagnostic level 2 ultrasound is Tuesday, she, her husband and her step-son will be there. I told her the 13 year old could come as long as I did not need to remove clothing, she offered to bring a blanket. I asked her if she would want my son in the room with her if she was naked. She said no, but... I told her if I have to, which more than likely will not happen, I do not want him in the room. I don't think she cares.
Dear Heavenly Father, Please help me to be what you want me to be through this. Comfort me when I feel as though I am being lost. Help me to be Loving. Help me to be joyful in what You are doing through this. Help me to be Your light and focused on You so that You are glorified. Amen.
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