I am daughter of The KING. A retired three time surrogate. A hopeful live kidney donor. This is a record of my journey. Finding who I am and why I am.
Monday, July 26, 2010
41 Weeks 5 Days
Being checked in early allowed me to start the medication earlier, by about 5 hours. That was definitely a BONUS. We started cytotec at 7pm and pitocin at 11pm-ish. The cramping started pretty mellow, but then moved onto very painful after the pitocin started. My first epidural was not a success. After two doses of additional meds they believed me that the first was not working properly. The second was FABULOUS. After 16 hours of labor and the baby's heart rate being elevated, her not dropping, and not being fully dilated, the Dr. decided that a C-section was the baby's best option.
I have not regrets that it ended up with surgery. I was hoping in a small way that it would go that way to begin with. This allows me to heal from surgery instead of delivery.
It amazed me how fast the nursing/medical staff moved. They gave 10 minutes for prep to get me into the OR. They rushed David and the kids out of the room and went to tell the intended parents what was going to happen.
I was in the OR very quickly and the Dr was there waiting for me, demanding/ordering what was to happen next. She was amazing. They went to get David and brought him in. I was already open when he got there. He did his best keeping me informed to what was happening , by way of reflection in the overhead lights. There were smells I won't label, lots of tugging and pulling, but NO pain. I just waited to hear that first cry and did allow myself to cry when I heard it.
July 13, 2010 11:44 AM 8lbs 4.3ozs. 19inches PERFECT
The staff was amazing they took pictures of the baby for me and David and then handed her to David and took more pictures of the three of us together. They gave us time to see, touch and talk to her. I got to tell her I loved her. They then took her to our children so they could see her and say good bye, before taking her to her parents.
I fell asleep and woke up in recovery with my sweet husband by my side. It was a God experience, so Blessed from beginning to end. I look forward to this journey progressing and the next one on this road.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
41 Weeks
We had a Dr's appointment yesterday. No progress... really, unless 1/4 cm does count. We have scheduled a date for inducement, if the baby does not come on her own, for Monday, check in at 8pm. We had a BPP ultrasound also yesterday to check everything out. Everything is great! Good for baby, but that gives the Dr's permission to go until Monday to "encourage" her coming out. She is perfect, the tech called her a sweet baby. I must agree she is one of the best.
I am thinking I may hide in the balcony on Sunday, at church, to avoid all the questions that I do not have answers for and the suggestions I do not want.
- I do not know when she is coming, "When SHE is ready".
- If my body and the baby aren't ready nothing is going to make her come any earlier.
The mommy and all those giving advice are more that welcomed to do those things and see if it rushes her along though.
The only reason I have for wanting her to come "NOW" , or last week, is the recovery time I have before we go on vacation. The longer it takes her to come the less time I have to recuperate before our trip. I am tired, but that is the only thing that gets me down. I wake up tired. How is it that after sleeping I am still tired? I have enjoyed this journey. I am curious where it takes me next.
Please pray for the Intended Parents, Dr's, and the baby. I know the mommy is about crazy waiting. Please pray for me and my family as we head into labor and recovery of this. A lot has happened. A lot is still to happen.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
40 Weeks 1 Day
A lot has happened since 9:00 AM yesterday, but none of it has anything to do with going into labor.
I am currently sitting at my desk at work, hoping that the Internet will continue to "at least" limp along as it has been all week.
Our Canadian office is closed today for Canada day and tomorrow for Brian Baker day. I was told by my boss that I could not "take" Friday off because he was going out of town and the whole company could not be shut down. So I could not use my Brian Baker day on Friday. So I thought that Friday NIGHT would be a good time to have this baby, MAYBE???, because then I could use my Brian Baker day on Tuesday for recovery. Well he just called to inform me that he is actually on his way out of town right now, Thursday, and isn't planning on being in on Tuesday either. AAAHHH!
Not that I could begin to plan when this baby is coming, it was good to think that maybe that was/could be God's timing since it could have been a four day weekend. A faint light at the end of the tunnel???
Another "thing" that happened since the appointment was the posting of my cervix status on the Intended Mother's facebook page. I do not know about you, but I find that something as private as my medical information, and this information being of a very intimate part of me to be way across "THE LINE". This is information I don't even share with my mother. So many thoughts and emotions come from this. I would not have minded "as much" had she not posted my name, but she has been posting my name all over which is clearly against the contract that her personal lawyer wrote up and she herself signed. My privacy has been disregarded throughout this entire process and now for my personal medical stats to be listed was the limit. I finally had to say "please do not post my name, that is a very intimate and medical fact that I do not need 180 + people to know about me". I do not think it ended well. She left the church function before I had a chance to say good-bye. But, the status in gone. Whatever damage would be done is done.
On a side note... We (I) ran into another contract issue last week. I found that a correction I was told had been made was in fact not submitted to the courts and as the contract stands I had no legal rights to make my own medical decisions. The lawyers have assured me that the way they are "fixing" it will work, but that is not the point. I brought this to their attention a month before the court/judge signed off on it. Before I signed it they showed me in writing were it had been corrected, and then it still went to the courts wrong???
I know that God sees the entire picture. He knows how this baby is going to change the world. He knows when she is coming and how. He knows how I will survive this. I am so glad He knows. There is just this part of me that wishes I had an idea of how.