Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Tests Have Been Taken

Well,  The tests have been taken.  It is funny how many tests my husband and I have to "pass" to be pregnant for someone else.  When I was pregnant for myself  and my husband they did not make us take these tests to "OK" us to  have children.  Along with the psyche testing and evaluations we had to take the following tests.

TSH, HIV 1 & 2
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen, Hepatitis B Core AB IgM, Hepatitis C Antibody
RPR, Blood Type and Rh
Varicella IgG, Rubella IgG, Mumps IgG
Gonorrhea/Chlamydia culture, Pap Smear

My husband :
hep b, hep c, HIV, RPR, HTLV, blood type

My blood tests proved to be more challenging than expected.  I had them done at my OB/GYN's office along with my Pap.  At the appointment they took 5 tubes of blood.  I  got back to work and received a phone call that was not enough I needed to come back, one more tube.  The results were sent to the RE and one test was missing.  I had to go back again today for another tube of blood.

Seven Tubes of blood from me, one finger prick, two cups pee'd in one by me and one by my husband, one mammogram, one pap and three tubes of blood from my husband. So now we wait...

Please continue to pray for this journey.  I have to say I feel so happy to be able to take this journey.  It makes me feel closer to God, I can't explain it.  My M - F job is not fulfilling, it leaves me missing something.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Moving Forward Bit by Bit

The appointment went well. I really like Dr. Brahma, she is so kind and encouraging.  Dr. Brahma was so informative. I got more information in this one meeting than I have in all the other appointments with the RE's put together.  She drew out the timeline, she explained procedures and measurements.  She like PIO as much as I do and is OK not using the "other" form of progesterone.  She has another procedure that may help that she explained.  She is willing to pull out "ALL Stops", so we don't look back and go what if we had tried that one thing too? 
There is a lot to do to move forward.  I have blood tests and "girly" tests I must get done.  David needs to have blood tests done.  There is the contract to talk about.  There are tests, contract negotiations, timing, scheduling, tests, meds, transfer, tests,...
I have two "girly" tests this month.  Please pray for great results, I would rather this journey to not moved forward based on other issues than my health.  Pray for the IP's and all the medical and legal staff.  Pray for me and my family. Pray for God's guidance and blessings.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Meeting with the RE Tomorrow

Tomorrow I go and meet with the the IM's RE.  This journey, if we move forward after tomorrow, is with RBA for a clinic.  I was with RBA with my first journey and RBA did the monitoring for my second journey. I like this clinic.  I feel safe with them.  The Dr. that did my first journey has passed away unexpectedly last year so I will be seeing a new RE.  I have heard great things about this RE so I am excited. 
But, along with the excitement comes a little nervousness, because of the unknown.  David and I met with the psychologist a couple of weeks ago before we went on a family vacation.  That is probably the "craziest" appointment, waiting to see if another person believes you to be mentally fit.  I was blessed that it was not necessary to take another "test", I had taken one in November 2011. This appointment with the RE, because of my age 43, soon to be 44, and weight, I do not consider myself overweight but some might because of a BMI of 25ish...  Makes me nervous.  What if the RE doesn't like me?  What if I am not the optimal candidate?  What if I am the cause of yet another heartbreak/ache?
This IM has been hurt.  I have seen only a fraction of the hurt when we talked at our initial meeting.  I believe it is deep.  Will I be blessed to be a part of her healing? 
I am excited to get the "ok" to move forward.  I am excited to see God's Blessings for this couple.  I am excited to see fewer tears of pain and many more tears of JOY.  Please be in prayer for this journey.