Friday, June 29, 2012

Cycle day 6 and still negotiating

Lawyers are needed.  Lawyers can get “in the way”.  Lawyers are here to protect us.  Lawyers believe in themselves.  Lawyers make a “regular” person feel taken care of.  After all, that is what they are being “retained” to do.  Lawyers protect us from others and ourselves. 

In the first journey we did not get our own representation.  We believed that we would get fair representation, which did not happen.  The second journey we went with a law firm (The IP’s current law firm) that I had talked to about helping one of their “clients” (in the future possibly).  I met with two of the firm’s lawyers (June 2011) they told me how unfairly we had been treated previously, told me how much I should have been  compensated and told me what they would be asking for compensation for me.  Then months later they asked me to help a couple they had represented a couple of times before.  I thought we have had the conversation they had given me a dollar amount, they know what we “need” based on my wages and previous contract negotiations, they know my doctor, they know where I preferred to delivered, and they know my insurance they have “looked” through it twice now. They are now saying that the wording in the previous contract, the one they represented me in, had wording that if used for this contract could appear as insurance fraud.  WHAT????? Why is it now that they are not representing me it isn’t good enough but when they supposed to be MY lawyers it was ok?  That my Dr isn’t good enough and that the hospital is not good enough???
I have had cycle day one.  It came two days after the date I would have started meds based on the day that should have been cycle day one.  The lawyer had “conveniently” sent a fax to the RE stating that we had “negotiated the terms of the Gestational Agreement” on May 18, 2012, so that I could start meds when they wanted. (I hadn’t even seen a contract yet)  I got the contract June 6, 2012, five days after my projected cycle start.  I find it disheartening that it was so important to take care of the IP’s that “they” would be untruthful in order to work out their intended timeframe and not have me taken care of fairly.  I would have been on meds. I would have felt “forced “to sign a contract having already been on meds.  My life and family’s lives and my schedule have been on hold since I committed to this in early March. 

I feel “picked on” or “bullied” by a lawyer that came to me and asked me to help.  I feel it all started when I said I wanted our own representation.  But… the contract was unfair and very one-sided.  The comp was LOW.  Every part of my life was being “restricted’, my doctor, my hospital, my diet, my travel, my value (lost wages), my choice of doctor is being challenged again.  They would rather I go to a Dr. that knows the IF as a “buddy” rather than me go to a doctor that knows my body and the previous pregnancy.  They want me to deliver at a hospital that is almost twice as far away and up a road that is “prone” to “rush hour” traffic in which a person can sit in for several minutes to an hour or more at times.  The hospital I delivered at, and would prefer to deliver at again, for various reasons; level III NICU second in the state, less than 10 miles away from my home and even closer to work, and the treatment they provided on my first surrogacy journey was AMAZING.  I told my lawyer to inform the IP’s lawyers that if they wouldn’t agree to using my doctor that the RE could pick a doctor that neither side had ties to and I would switch.  The lawyer wants the power to approve or disprove any travel.  The lawyer is pushing the hospital.  No one besides me is going to be “naked”, I am the one doing all the “work”, and I have a family, job and life.   I do not understand the “change” in camaraderie. I am not asking for special treatment, I am asking for a Dr that I believe in and he knows me, a hospital that I know will take care of me and make special arrangements for the IP’s.   I am asking to value me at what I make not at what I am worth, because I am worth A LOT more than a dollar amount that a man decided to pay me more than five years ago.  I understand that the IP’s are spending a fortune.  I understand that the IVF cost a lot. 

The money isn’t my issue.  Compensation is compensation. But I am a grown woman.  I have had two babies of my own.  I have had a surrogate baby. I have had no complications while pregnant, other than the baby having tachycardia.  SO treat me like I am a grown woman that knows what she is doing, that is intelligent enough to make the right decisions, which would not risk the life of anyone’s over her life. 

I pray that we are on the way to agreement.  I pray that God guides my heart, mind, words and actions.  I pray for success.  I pray that the IP’s become P’s.  I pray that God is GLORIFIED. 

Heavenly Father,  You know my heart.  You know my fears, You know my worth.  Heavenly Father You know the desires of the IP’s hearts.  Lord, Your will not mine.  not my life, but Yours.

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