Thursday, May 19, 2011

Getting ready for a trip

We go to Disney.  It is what we do.  We have two teenagers that still enjoy spending time with us, without bringing along a friend.  In getting ready for our summer trip I was going through some memories.  I can't wai to make some more.  Seven days and counting down!  Here are some memories from out last two trips.

Disney Memories

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Blogs I read

I read some amazing blogs.  The women, families and their strength is so inspiring to me.  There are blogs about longing, fear, praise, celebrations, desire and advice.  I found most of these blogs through the search for more information on surrogacy and infertility.  Some of the bloggers have overcome infertility and have gone through the steps of cautious fear to celebrations.  Some are still struggling.  Some bloggers are those who have stepped up to fill a need and help those struggling with infertility.  And some, most that I have recently found, were blessed with a child and with that child came blessings in the form of challenges and triumphs.  I have wept, prayed, laughed and rejoiced with these families.  I have tried to leave encouraging words.  The words and emotions remind me that there are so many other reasons to be here on earth, that in every situation there is a Kingdom moment.  Read them.  These families have so much more to offer than my simple blog.

On a side note, but blog related...
In my search for a new journey the question about "reduction/termination" comes up.  One of the questions asked was; "What is the role of the intended parents in such decisions about abortion and selective reduction?"  I see so many parents, with and without children, praising, struggling, searching, trying, praying.  And yet on a questionnaire for a surrogate they have two questions about "reduction/termination"?  Read the blogs see the longing, stop and say a prayer for those hurting.

Today I wrapped the presents that we got for our daughter's 15th birthday.  I was looking for the words to tell her how much she means to me.  This prayer is the closest I could find, as long as we stamp it "ANSWERED".

You know my deep desire for a child

A little one to love and to hold, to care for,

to cherish. Grant that my body may conceive

and give birth to a beautiful, healthy baby in

Your holy image.

Guide me in all my choices so that this

conception, my pregnancy and my baby's birth

are in line with Your will.

Heavenly Father , hear this prayer of my heart, mind and spirit.


How did I answer the question???  "I pray that wanting a child so badly they would love any and all.  I do understand wanting a perfect child after waiting so long, but every child is perfect." 

Thank you for prayers answered.  For blessings beyond measure.  For uunmerited favor.  Heavenly Father please be with those struggling.  Be with us, outside of the struggles, and guide us to be encourager's and shoulders.  Thank you for my baby girl.  Help me to raise her looking at You.  Thank you for trusting me with such a precious gift.  Be with my next journey. 
In Jesus' name,