Wednesday, July 7, 2010

41 Weeks

Today I am 41 weeks pregnant.

We had a Dr's appointment yesterday. No progress... really, unless 1/4 cm does count. We have scheduled a date for inducement, if the baby does not come on her own, for Monday, check in at 8pm. We had a BPP ultrasound also yesterday to check everything out. Everything is great! Good for baby, but that gives the Dr's permission to go until Monday to "encourage" her coming out. She is perfect, the tech called her a sweet baby. I must agree she is one of the best.

I am thinking I may hide in the balcony on Sunday, at church, to avoid all the questions that I do not have answers for and the suggestions I do not want.
  • I do not know when she is coming, "When SHE is ready".
  • If my body and the baby aren't ready nothing is going to make her come any earlier.

The mommy and all those giving advice are more that welcomed to do those things and see if it rushes her along though.

The only reason I have for wanting her to come "NOW" , or last week, is the recovery time I have before we go on vacation. The longer it takes her to come the less time I have to recuperate before our trip. I am tired, but that is the only thing that gets me down. I wake up tired. How is it that after sleeping I am still tired? I have enjoyed this journey. I am curious where it takes me next.

Please pray for the Intended Parents, Dr's, and the baby. I know the mommy is about crazy waiting. Please pray for me and my family as we head into labor and recovery of this. A lot has happened. A lot is still to happen.

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